

Job Evaluation is a systematic way of determining and comparing the value and worth of a job in relation to other jobs in an organization for the purpose of establishing a rational pay structure. We develop Job Evaluation Tool (JET) as a state of the art job evaluation engine & grading system with automated job matchings.

The Best Tool for Effective Job Evaluation

Obviously, we did not reinvent the principles of job evaluation in general, but we have gone a long way to build a modern system with an easy-to-use, yet feature-rich interface. JET is the only job evaluation & grading system that is available to knowledge sharing. You can decide whether you would like to do the job evaluation & grading yourself or get benefit to work with one of our expert partners. We make job evaluation & job matching accessible to all kinds of organizations, both in terms of cost and usability. We believe in the empowerment of HR and believe in HR managers’ competence and dedication to serve their organization at the best of their ability.

Organizations need a reliable methodology to establish the basis of properly working pay system. Based on our experience, applying the methodolgies in use as they are, bring unneeded load to organizations beside the benefits, and increase efforts tremendously which lead many organizations to be hesitated, to postpone or avoid establishing the properly working pay structure system. This tendency increased the need to a kind of solution that not bring extra unneeded load while bringing ease. To address this need, we developed JET, the most flexible and user friendly - easy to use - job evaluation methodology providing the highest level of result accuracy with the minimum effort and time consumtion.